Avis de sécurité

Menaces et incidents

? Cyber Threat Overview 2022 (10 février 2023)

Publié le 10 février 2023 01:00

Version française: ????????

In its "Cyber Threat Overview 2022", the French National Cyber Security Agency (ANSSI) reports on the major cyber threat trends that marked the year 2022. Trends observed in 2021 bore out in 2022 despite the intensification of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and its repercussions in cyberspace.

While the overall threat level sustained in 2022, ANSSI notes that ransomware threat has shifted from regulated operators to more vulnerable entities. Although the number of ransomware attacks reported to the agency has dropped, the threat of cyber espionage remained prevalent, having once again mobilised ANSSI's teams.

Download the report : Cyber Threat Overview 2022



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